An Italian Case Study of Successful succession

7 February 2019     By Carolyn Usher
News Business SMEs succession


As part of the Skills4Succession Project, we want to share with you a case study of a business in Italy who managed to achieve a successful succession process.


Cantine del Notaio, a mix of innovation and tradition

In 1998, the agronomist Gerardo Giuratrabocchetti founded “Cantine del Notaio, a company in Rionero in Vulture (Basilicata, Southern Italy) that produces good-tasting wines.

Gerardo is a second‐generation entrepreneur, as his grandfather (with the same name) was the owner of a vineyard.

Gerardo was a professor and researcher at University of Basilicata and one day, when he was almost in his fortieth years, he was walking through the rows of his grandfather’s vineyard and he understood that was the place of his future.

Gerardo decided to take over the historic family business, supported by family members and professionals in the sector, especially by his wife Marcella Libutti and Professor Luigi Moio (University of Naples), with whom he had developed a project to enhance the Aglianico del Vulture vine and its territory.

The headquarters of the winery is in an old renovated building in which there are prestigious and ancient caves dating back to the seventeenth century, used as cellars for aging wine.

The naming “Cantine del Notaio” is a tribute to Gerardo’s father who was a well-known notary.

For almost twenty years, the company has been producing quality wines obtaining many prizes and, in addition to wine, the company also produces extra virgin olive oil and grappa (a wine distillate).

The company has established itself as one of the main leader on national and international markets thanks to its working philosophy, which is based on innovation and at the same time on tradition. And it’s not a coincidence that innovation and tradition are elements that have always characterised the life of Gerardo.

The contents for the Skills4Succession project are out! 

Have a look a the modules we have developed to help family business succeed in their succession process.


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by Carolyn Usher

International Project Manager & Trainer/Coach

Carolyn joined Inova in 2011 and is a Project Manager, trainer and coach. She is passionate about development and supporting people to achieve their dreams. Carolyn has a PGCert in Coaching and Mentoring from Sheffield Hallam University, BA in Communication and Cultural Studies and a MA in Cultural Policy and Management.

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