
Set4change is a European Commission funded Life-Long Learning programme with the aim of supporting the wider participation of women working in the fields of Business, Science, Engineering and Technology to enter the field of Social Entrepreneurship and make a real difference in the world.

The project will bring together experts in the field of SET, entrepreneurship and gender equality to explore how they can support and encourage women working in SET to investigate social enterprise as a tool for career progression. The project consists of four thematic workshops organised in partner countries between 2011 and 2013. The knowledge shared in these workshops will be compiled on this site for the purpose of gaining wider recognition for social entrepreneurship in Europe, and to provide support and inspiration for aspiring female entrepreneurs particularly from fields where women have usually been under represented. The workshops will in short explore the idea of social entrepreneurship and its potential for providing an opportunity for more women in B/SET to progress their careers. We hope that this site will bring inspiration to a number of women and connect not only entrepreneurs but organisations providing support for women in these sectors.

Funded by:

Inova Education and Training