Opportunity Ready
ECEU (Enterprising Competence – European Union is a project funded by the European Commission within the Leonardo da Vinci programme. It began in 2006 and is due to end with the final conference of the project in Madrid in September 2007. The project is based on three interconnected themes. Firstly, the idea that both formal and informal learning on a lifelong basis are key in developing the skills needed for entrepreneurship and the labour market in general. Informal or non formal learning environments could include voluntary work, leisure activities or family life as well as employment. Secondly, enterprising competences (knowledge, skills and attitudes) are important in employment as well as self employment. However, it is difficult to measure, certify and validate these competences if they are gained in a non formal environment. Thirdly, self employment amongst European women is increasing. Identifying the key competences of entrepreneurial women and where they developed these competences may help to increase recognition of entrepreneurship as a valuable activity and encourage more women to be entrepreneurial, which can only benefit the European economy.