

17 August 2017    By Carolyn Usher

The FORCREST project aims at improving the employability of highly qualified young people in order to facilitate their insertion into the labour market. To do that the project will develop a set of innovative training tools focusing upon key technical skills particular to the environmental…

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Tackling Stereotypes

17 August 2017    By Carolyn Usher

The aim of Tackling Stereotypes is to analyze on a European level the barriers that women encounter in their promotion and professional development in the field of science and technology, and to propose actions aimed at removing them. The project is led by members of…

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Opportunity Ready

17 August 2017    By Carolyn Usher

ECEU (Enterprising Competence – European Union is a project funded by the European Commission within the Leonardo da Vinci programme. It began in 2006 and is due to end with the final conference of the project in Madrid in September 2007. The project is based…

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17 August 2017    By Carolyn Usher

Set4change is a European Commission funded Life-Long Learning programme with the aim of supporting the wider participation of women working in the fields of Business, Science, Engineering and Technology to enter the field of Social Entrepreneurship and make a real difference in the world. The…

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17 August 2017    By Carolyn Usher

The mENTERing project is a 24 month initiative co-funded by the European Commission, under the Directorate-General for Education and Culture that aims to better equip VET trainers in the business sector who are interested to learn how to mentor entrepreneurs. This will be achieved through…

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17 August 2017    By Carolyn Usher

Mumpreneurs is an international project funded by the European Commission to support female entrepreneurs who are also mothers. The project is delivered through four Ideas Labs organised in partner countries across Europe and more information can be found under each Ideas Lab on this site.…

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17 August 2017    By Carolyn Usher

The objective of TYNET 50+ is to promote intergenerational learning through sharing European expertise on methodologies, in order to support young women living abroad, and 50+ women who have family abroad, to develop mentoring relationships primarily for supporting ICT development. Promoting this inter-generational and European…

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17 August 2017    By Carolyn Usher

The QUEST partnership aims to tackle the lack of awareness of the benefits of hosting a European Mobility worker amongst MSEs (Micro and Small Enterprises), particularly micro-businesses. In particular, the partnership aims to show the social and business value of diversity in MSEs and trainees…

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17 August 2017    By Carolyn Usher

The StartUP is a 32 months project co-funded with support by the European Commission under the Lifelong Learning Programme and was launched in January 2013. Only a minimum part of the ICT potential for supporting innovative pedagogical developments and acquisition of key competences has been…

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16 August 2017    By Carolyn Usher

The WINGS mission lies in making good female entrepreneurship initiatives accessible EU wide, while bridging the gap with local and/or national WE initiatives. The project will stimulate female entrepreneurs, that converge in common goals in connecting, while offering them innovative learning and training tools. The…

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Inova Education and Training