Latest News from Inclusive Business LaunchPad!
As the project comes to an end, this month, we invite you to read our final project newsletter with updates on the impact of the programme and news from our final events. Final IBL Newsletter_June 23
The Inclusive Business Launch Pad: Supporting Entrepreneurs for Commercial Success
Written by Yasin Hussain IBL: What is it? The Inclusive Business Launch Pad (IBL) is a collaborative program with the aim of promoting equal opportunity in entrepreneurship. The innovative program is designed to empower disadvantaged micro-business owners across Europe. Inova Consultancy and our sister…
Mindful Ageing Bootcamps!
Mindful Ageing is a novel, multifaceted project aimed at people aged fifty-plus. Providing support and resources to maintain a healthy and positive approach to ageing, as well as enhancing the health and wellbeing of our older citizens through awareness of preventative measures against future illness.…
Saying ‘goodbye’ to the ‘T-Shirt’ project
This month we will finish our collaboration on the 'T-Shirt' project, which has been working to promote gender equality in teaching practices across Europe. Read our latest newsletter here: T-Shirt Newsletter Edition 4 EN
Setting SMART Financial Goals with the ‘FlyIn’ Project!
The FlyIn Project came to an end in January 23 - Find out more about how we used SMART goals to help build financial literacy in young people! The Fly-In project set out to address the financial literacy needs of young NEET women towards…
Latest news from the FlyIn Project!
Find the latest FlyIn Project newsletter here to learn more about the project and the progress so far!
Latest News from Inclusive Business Launchpad!
Find out more about our Inclusive Business LaunchPad project with our latest newsletter. December 2022 newsletter IBL
‘ServiceDigiCulture’ – Latest Newsletter
Read the latest from our ServiceDigiCulture project and find out how you can be involved. ServiceDigiCulture Newsletter 2_EN
Gender Equality in Education – An update from our ‘T-Shirt’ project!
The "T-Shirt" project has been running over the last 2 years and working towards the development of training materials for teachers, to raise awareness of gender equality issues and empower those in the teaching community to address these issues when working with young people.…
Latest News from Inclusive Business Launchpad!
Read our latest newsletter here. January 2022 newsletter IBL