Launch of the Weight Matters eGuide: A Practitioners Guide to Developing a Healthy Mind and Body
The Weight Matters project ended in September, however we still have a great range of resources available through our website! Our final offer is this fantastic, interactive eGuide which is aimed at practitioners and those working with adults to help them live healthier lifestyles. The…
InterMed Training
Registration is open for the InterMed training which will take place on 30th Ocober, 6th November and 13th November. For more information and to secure your place, click on the link.
Project EUMentorSTEM – Promoting mentoring to prevent waste of talent and competences for highly skilled migrant women in STEM across Europe.
According to Eurostat (2011), almost 30% of all tertiary-educated migrants in Europe (around ten million people) are over-qualified and de-scaled women in their working age. In spite of increasing numbers of vacancies for highly-skilled jobs in the innovative sectors of the economy, highly-skilled migrants are…
Kaleidoscope’s final newsletter is here!
As the Kaleidoscope project comes to an end, the partnership have created one final newsletter to celebrate all the achievements of the project and the wonderful people involved! Check out the newsletter here! For more information about the project, please head to the Kaleidoscope…
The QUALIFY project – 4th Newsletter is now available!
The QUALIFY project has been greatly successful. Find out about the project and what we have been up to in our latest newsletter. Click HERE to view it. Please visit our project website to take advantage of the tools we have developed in the…
Showing off our Social Media Sisterhood: Newsletter #4 has arrived!
The fourth Social Media Sisterhood newsletter has been published and is ready to view here! This newsletter includes updates on the upcoming Insider's Guides and our top tips for a successful project. Keep up to date with us and our latest events on the…
Fake It Till You Make It – Guidebook is now ready!
The Fake It Till You Make It has explored drama and theatre to develop skills such as confidence, motivation and soft skills; these skills are particularly important in aiding employability. The project has been incredibly successful, and we are proud to announce that the Fake It…
Empowering migrants through Entrepreneurship!
ELYME is a European project with the aim to support migrant Entrepreneurship. Have a look at the progress of our project! Newsletter 1.
The Advancing Migrant Women newsletter is here!
The 4th Advancing Migrant Women newsletter has now been published. You can find new information on the outcomes of our second pilot of the training and Career Circles™ by clicking here. Like our Facebook page to keep up to date with the project, or…
Reboot: Newsletter 1
The first Reboot newsletter is here! Find out more about the project and the development of the Reboot training provision.