Blog: Coaching

Feedback tool

Feedback: The Three Questions Tree

28 August 2019    By Carolyn Usher

Feedback is an everyday activity in our lives: we are constantly rating brands or organisations online; we give feedback to the waiter at the restaurant, or we are keen to express our opinions on films or theatre plays… But what about when it is our…

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Weight Matters: Newsletter 3

27 August 2019    By Carolyn Usher

  The third Weight Matters newsletter is here! Find out all about the brilliant, free Coaching App developed as part of the e-Learning platform and read about the events that took place across Europe as part of the project!

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SME Tools to Prevent Burnout: Multiplier Events

12 August 2019    By Carolyn Usher

  Take a look at the final newsletter produced as part of the SME Tools to Prevent Burnout project. Here, we share information on the final Multiplier Events which took place in all partner countries and speak about how great it was to share the…

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Feedback Project

Feedback is a gift

27 June 2019    By Carolyn Usher

A fabulous international workshop! Taking our next steps to design new learning resources, our project partner Regenerus hosted an international  training event for teachers, trainers and facilitators at The Investment Centre from 17th to 21st June 2019. Participants from the UK, Portugal, Italy and Slovenia…

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Weight Matters Newsletter 1

23 May 2019    By Carolyn Usher

  Take a look at the first Weight Matters newsletter, which was published in summer 2018, by clicking the link below. Here we presented the project, the partners and the results from the research, which took place in the early stages of the project. Weight…

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Weight Matters Newsletter

9 April 2019    By Carolyn Usher

  Take a look at the second Weight Matters newsletter. Here we celebrate the success of the training, the Health Mentoring Circles and announce the opening of the Weight Matters platform! Register today to receive access to more information and support for achieving your health…

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Have a ‘Mindful’ Summer!

11 May 2017    By Carolyn Usher

Are you ready for your summer break? I don’t know about you but here at Inova, the summer months offer a bit of respite from a very busy schedule and this has gotten us thinking about how we can make use of this quieter time…

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Fake it, ‘till you make it!

11 May 2017    By Carolyn Usher

Two of our colleagues recently had the pleasure of attending the Really NEET Project’s end of year event. The Really NEET Project is based in Sheffield and works with young people, not in education, employment or training to help them gain a qualification and make…

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Inova Education and Training