Posts from December 2018

SMART Volunteering Newsletter

20 December 2018    By Eric Wijmenga

  Our second newsletter for the SMART Volunteering Project has just been released! Here you can see the results from our first report and the research for our 2019 training. There is also a link to the full report available!

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Fake It Till You Make It Newsletter

17 December 2018    By Eric Wijmenga

  Check out our first Fake It Till You Make It newsletter! The Fake It Till You Make It project aims to improve employability skills and soft skills through theatre-based training. This newsletter provides information on the project and the amazing partnership involved in Fake…

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Migrapreneurs – News December 2018

17 December 2018    By Carolyn Usher

  Migrapreneurs stage 1 has come to an end in Sheffield. Well done to all our participants ☺ We are now preparing a hands-on guide on how to help migrants improve their entrepreneurship skills. See you all in 2019!

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Inova Education and Training